Do You Really Know How to Use a Pile Driver? come and Check to Avoid mistake

Pile driver is a common construction machinery equipment used in the construction of infrastructure such as shipyards, bridges, subway tunnels, and building foundations. However, there are some safety risks that need to be paid special attention to during the use of pile driver. Let’s introduce them one by one.

Use a Pile Driver1

Operators must have relevant certificates.
Before operating the pile driver, the operator must have the corresponding professional qualification certificate and relevant operational experience, otherwise the equipment cannot be operated. This is because the operation of the pile driver is not only related to the performance of the equipment itself, but also to various details such as construction environment, working conditions, and construction plans.

Check if the equipment is functioning properly.
Before using the pile driver, the equipment needs to be inspected, including checking the oil circuit, circuit, transmission, hydraulic oil, bearings, and other components to ensure their integrity. It is also important to check if the equipment operates smoothly and if there is enough hydraulic oil. If any equipment abnormalities are found, timely maintenance and replacement are required.

Prepare the surrounding environment.
During site preparation, it is important to ensure that there are no obstacles such as personnel, tools, or equipment in the surrounding environment and the area where the equipment will be used, in order to ensure the safety of the operation. It is also necessary to check the foundation and geological conditions to ensure that the pile driver will not encounter unexpected situations in unstable ground.

Maintain equipment stability.
When operating the equipment, it is important to ensure that the pile driver is placed steadily and to prevent sliding during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a flat ground, secure steel plates, and maintain equipment stability to avoid accidents caused by equipment movement and shaking.

Avoid fatigue operation.
Continuous operation of the pile driver for a long time can cause fatigue to the operator, so it is necessary to take appropriate breaks and adjust the intensity of labor. Operating the pile driver in a fatigued state can lead to poor mental state of the operator, resulting in accidents. Therefore, operations should be carried out according to the specified working and rest time.

Post time: Aug-10-2023