Changsha Zhounan Xuefu High-rise Residential Pile Foundation Guard Tube Project

The Changsha Zhounan Xuefu Project is located in Kaifu District, Changsha City. It is a high-rise residential community. After the excavation of the foundation pit in the early stage, pile foundation construction began immediately. The geological structure of Changsha is mainly composed of gravel, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerates and slate. The upper layer is reticulated laterite.The same is true of the Zhounan Xuefu Project site. Under the foundation pit, after about four or five meters of laterite layer, there is a semi-weathered gravel and slate structure cemented by laterite.

High-rise Residential Pile Foundation Guard Tube 002

High-rise Residential Pile Foundation Guard Tube 003

Based on the situation in all aspects, the project department selected Juxiang piling hammer for the construction of pile foundation guard tube. The material for this construction is a steel guard tube with a length of 15 meters and a diameter of 500 mm. At the construction site, the hole guide machine, pile driver, and concrete tanker perform their respective duties, and the construction is carried out in an orderly manner.Because the construction party's arrangement of the process is very compact, after the hole drilling rig leads the hole, the pile driver immediately pushes the guard cylinder into the ground, and after releasing the steel cage, the concrete tanker immediately steps forward to pour, which has high efficiency requirements for the guard cylinder piling. Once the piling encounters obstacles and cannot be successfully constructed, the concrete tanker cannot be poured in time, which can easily cause losses to the tank.

High-rise Residential Pile Foundation Guard Tube 004

At the construction site, Juxiang piling hammer showed excellent working performance. The strike time of each guard tube was controlled within 3.5 minutes. The work was stable and the strike was powerful. Within the construction planning time, the construction operation of the guard tube was perfectly completed, which was well received by the project department.

Post time: Aug-18-2023